Our Church
The Bible says that our faith won’t work if our love is not working. When we are rooted and grounded in God’s love, our faith ignites His power
We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness
Welcome to Bethel Gospel Chapel. We are glad you could visit our website. Ministering In New Jersey for over 75 years bringing the Word to the world, it is our duty to be Fishers of Men.
Our mission at Bethel Gospel Chapel is to win the lost and create disciples locally and globally through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and magnify the word of God.
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Suspendisse ut ultricies augue. Sed at leo vitae tempus. Quisque a vel nulla vestibulum eleifend at id augue. Nullam volutpat justo eget justo finibus mattis. Nam, massa sit amet euismod fermentum.
Suspendisse ut ultricies augue. Sed at leo vitae tempus. Quisque a vel nulla vestibulum eleifend at id augue. Nullam volutpat justo eget justo finibus mattis. Nam, massa sit amet euismod fermentum.
Suspendisse ut ultricies augue. Sed at leo vitae tempus. Quisque a vel nulla vestibulum eleifend at id augue. Nullam volutpat justo eget justo finibus mattis. Nam, massa sit amet euismod fermentum.
Suspendisse ut ultricies augue. Sed at leo vitae tempus. Quisque a vel nulla vestibulum eleifend at id augue. Nullam volutpat justo eget justo finibus mattis. Nam, massa sit amet euismod fermentum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec.
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